Family law


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Preventive measures

"buying insurance doesn't mean wanting to crash your car"

Dating contract

Prenuptial agreement

Guidance on property regime

Cynthia Small

Carlos gets my highest rating across the board as he is brilliant, professional, helpful and gracious. Thank you for all his hard work.

Neal Hansch

Carlos is a complete professional and went above and beyond what was expected several times to help me with some requests/projects, some of which were even delicate. I can't thank you enough and I hope our paths cross again.

Tieres Tavares

Carlos is able to handle a critical situation in a short period of time, in a very demanding scenario, and still makes it seem like a smooth task. So far I have had to work with him twice and I know I can count on him for my future needs. Very professional with a personal touch that makes you feel comfortable and assured that you will receive the best support possible.

Roberta Sowby

I highly recommend Carlos due to his incredible efficiency. We worked together a few times and I was impressed by how quickly and assertively he completed projects while we worked together.


What is a dating contract?

The dating contract, although it may not seem very romantic, can serve as an instrument for relationship and succession planning. The demand for this type of document has increased significantly in the last two years, with the coronavirus pandemic.

Such a contract protects the couple, mainly, from the effects generated by a stable union, which in Brazil is very similar to those of marriage.

Among these effects, the possibility of sharing assets, pensions, inheritance rights in the event of death, among others, can be mentioned.

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What is a prenuptial agreement?

With a prenuptial contract, which also determines the property regime, the couple can specify the assets that each one had before getting married and establish rules on the administration of the couple's joint assets, who will bear what expenses, in this way avoids future fights regarding property issues.

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What is the difference between a stable union and marriage?

The civilist doctrine largely criticizes the excessive regulation of stable unions and perhaps an equation between stable unions and marriage. This is due to the fact that a large part of the marriage rules are borrowed to regulate stable unions. But there are differences: mainly the informality of the stable union (de facto situation) and marriage (solemn act).

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